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Estimación del impacto del Nuevo Puerto de Veracruz
La autopista
Amozoc - Perote
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Estimación del impacto del Nuevo Puerto de Veracruz
La autopista
Amozoc - Perote
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project supervision

Project supervision Management and

independent engineering

Other projects:

TRANSCONSULT experience in infrastructure design, supervision and management of projects is an excellent option for clients that require a general structuring or an audit for a project including planning, execution and negotiation, supported by the public and private sectors.


Resource optimization

Technical decision support for the technical committee of the management trust as independent engineering

Technical audits for surveys

Detection of infrastructure technical problems and recommendations for possible solutions

Monitoring of minor and major maintenance activities and programs to highway infrastructure

Mexibus L-III supervision

Technical and administrative supervision, as well as quality control, of the "Mejoramiento del carril de rodamiento, adecuaciones geometricas y su semaforizacion de la Av. Chimalhuacan, Av. V. Villada, Av. Bordo de Xochiaca y Av. Del Peñon en el tramo Nezahualcoyotl” work.

Location: Chimalhuacan, State of Mexico.

Mexibus L-III supervision


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